How will you use your education to make the world a better place?
Getting people to care for the environment is going to take one important thing: we are going to have to inspire passionate emotions on other people. Humans seem to be fond of passion; often we only move to do anything when we feel an intense emotion. Take, for instance, a person in love. There is nothing or very few things this person wouldn’t do to fulfill their love passion. Thus, in order to get people to move one has to inspire some type of intense emotion in them.

Al Gore I think did a very good job at inspiring strong emotions, at least in me. Instead, of just seeing the facts, I was able to see a humane aspect of Gore’s life. We humans like to relate to other people, and the film encouraged just that.
Two of the things of which I am the most passionate about are Music and History. Somehow, I will have to find a way of connecting all of these together so that I can passionately inspire other people to care for the environment.
Although I am not a musician of popular music, as an artist I have tremendous power over other people. This is a very valuable tool I have in my hands. Maybe transmitting environmentally conscious statements before and during my performances can help inspire other people to care for the environment. In fact, as I am a performer of traditional Afro-Caribbean music, and our music often carries socially and culturally conscious beliefs then maybe adding the environment to the equation would not be a bad idea.
Getting people to care for the environment is going to take one important thing: we are going to have to inspire passionate emotions on other people. Humans seem to be fond of passion; often we only move to do anything when we feel an intense emotion. Take, for instance, a person in love. There is nothing or very few things this person wouldn’t do to fulfill their love passion. Thus, in order to get people to move one has to inspire some type of intense emotion in them.

Al Gore I think did a very good job at inspiring strong emotions, at least in me. Instead, of just seeing the facts, I was able to see a humane aspect of Gore’s life. We humans like to relate to other people, and the film encouraged just that.
Two of the things of which I am the most passionate about are Music and History. Somehow, I will have to find a way of connecting all of these together so that I can passionately inspire other people to care for the environment.
Although I am not a musician of popular music, as an artist I have tremendous power over other people. This is a very valuable tool I have in my hands. Maybe transmitting environmentally conscious statements before and during my performances can help inspire other people to care for the environment. In fact, as I am a performer of traditional Afro-Caribbean music, and our music often carries socially and culturally conscious beliefs then maybe adding the environment to the equation would not be a bad idea.

Additionally, people are skeptical as to whether we can actually do anything about the environment. Do we as a global community have the ability to make change for the better? Absolutely. But in order to visualize this people must be able to see specific examples in which groups of people have massively organized to achieve something. We must show people that history repeats itself, and not only the bad things. Positive portions of history can also be repeated. And this is how my degree in history will allow me to make the world a better place. I will convey that people do have the power to change for the better.
So, in conclusion, I think that saving our planet will require us to inspire passion in ourselves. Passion is an audacious trait. With passion almost everything can be accomplished; with passion nothing seems unsurmountable.
HYBRID CARS: Check this website out. I think that one of things that is going to cause the most trouble in the "going-green" process is the fact that Americans would have to give up their big SUV's. Therefore, i think it is important that we start to recognize the benefits of using Hybrid Cars. Not only are they cheaper, but also much more economical in terms of gas and repairs.
Obama's Speech on Race: I have also decided to include this speech because I think it is one of the most remarkable speeches I have ever heard in my life. With a touch of eloquence, Obama manages to talk about the sensitive problem that plagues the United States. In his speech he calls for change together as a people, as "Americans" regardless of race. Please if you have the chance listen to this speech; i can guarantee that it will not be a waste of your time.
It seems that you have a true passion for music. I agree with you that we need to inspire passion in people. A lot of people do not know what to do and are scare of showing their passions, due to culture, religious or traditions. It is a good idea of using our passion to make this a better planet. But sometimes we get carry away or we loss our enthusiasm. Music is something that all of us are connected to. It is good that you are involved with it because I think it helps you to relax and just do what you really love. I also think that we can help this planet through history. We can educate people by show them how our selfishness have make things the way they are today.
Funny thing is people have been groomed with this big band-aid of products that we are used to, from fast food ads to popular music that sometimes is about nothing...
The perception of actual entertainment must change for society as a whole to change... I think U2 is a great example of that.
Very nice blog! I loved the photos and the links.
I love your blog and i see you also saw the corporation, it was really sad. About the Obama speech I know he is a great speeker but do you think he would have eevr made the sppech if he was not pushed. Yes I know he said he planned to make it it just came about early but really? I am not a hiliary supporter but do you think Obama will make a good president if yes why? Try to youtube this guy called Mike Graveal I don't know if you heard of him
I like your views about passion and how you can connect your passion for the music with the enviornment.Your thoughts for giving people a few words of wisdom about the enviornment before and after you play is a good way to inspire your audience to think about what's going on aound them. Make them "Halla" for more..... Knowledge!!!!
You, without question, have a great advantage through your music playing. Connecting via music can reach a huge audience. That is why I am in complete agreement with you, when you say that, "I have a valuable tool in my hands". As a result of your music playing, you have the ability to reach out to many people of your community and others, to spread the word about making this earth a better place. Would love to hear you play sometime. Keep me posted.
I share the same thing you have a passion for, MUSIC. I think that music is a bond between people and ideas. YOu can express anything you feel or you think through music. I think that music is something really important in life. I'm glad that you feel the same way as me. I also think that indeed you can shape around people ideas towards the environmen. The majority of people listen to music so I think it's one of the best ways to let peole know about the environmnet.
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